About Me

Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet.  My Name is Erika Anne and I'm a Potter, earth witch, writer, reader and doggie mom.  During the day I work in Accounting, freeing up plenty of creative power for after hours.  

.  I am a relatively new potter.  I only started in November of 2020 but fell in love with the medium and the community of potters around me and out here in cyber space.  I have never been involved in a community that is so supportive and so loving.  Every time I talked to another potter, every time we swap pieces, we share so much love and magic.  Every element we think of is involved in the process- earth, water, fire, air.  Every culture has pottery.  Almost every single one has ceramics as part of their origin story from Prometheus to Lenape.  In this way, we are all connected more then we could possibly know at first glance. 

My own story is less dramatic and more….silly.  One night at the beginning of the pandemic, I was running though trash Netflix specials (As we all were!) and was a little bit wine drunk (As hopefully more then just I was too!).  I ended up watching this horrible show called Community and there was an episode where they taking a ceramics class from the guy on Arrested Development.  A few glasses in I said “I can do that!”  And signed up right then and there. 

The moment I started, I knew it was my thing. I have my own wheel now and my own kiln in my garage.  This spring we are going to dig out my garden and do a pit firing to restore the nitrogen back into the soil.  I have learned so much in the past two years…and not just about clay (thought the science of it is probably my favorite part).  I’ve learned to go slow.  To not rush.  I’ve allowed myself to make mistakes.  I’ve leaned that its alright to stop.  I learned to take time for myself.  I’ve remembered that I make money so that I can spend it on things like this that I love.  I’ve learned to share my work more then I ever had the confidence to do before.  I’ve Learned that art is part of our every day lives and to see it in cups and bowls, in bark and texture. 

Most of all I’ve learned to be confident in my process, a process that my ancestors and yours have thrown, coiled and finessed into being.