Whats in a Name?

Whats in a Name?

I get this question alot.  Why would I pick this name?  Aren't I scared it will drive people away?  Well, my first response to that is how many Christian potter names there are out there?  A lot.  And that is perfectly fine, if thats you're thing. 

Its not Mine.  Yes.  I am a witch.  I come from a traditionally Italian Catholic family which I like to credit (Much to the dismay of some of them) with my pension for magical thinking.  I have certainly gotten some push back on it and some of it can be very hurtful.  A close ex friend loved to send things on how I was crazy because I beleive I'm a witch.  I know that its aimed to hurt but I still feel the need to explain and defend all of my fellow witches and truthfully, women out there. 

I am not Wiccan.  I'm not even what most would identify as polytheistic.  I know many witches that are actually atheists.  I beleive that magic is just science that we dont understand yet- like when people thought electricity and herbalism were magic.  They aren't...and at the same time are.  Is there anything more magical and amazing then the human circulatory system after all?  Or the way that insects like Cycada know to come up after a 25 year brood? 

I beleive that there is energy and magic in everything.  I know- no actually we know from history that long before we understood the lymbic system, people would instinctively know when there was danger, when they needed to run long before they actually saw danger coming. 

We know that everything in the world has energy; that is physics it is constantly in a state of movement. 

We know that before modern medicine, women and non binary people were the care takers of the just being born, and the close to the other side of life- death.  They were stewardesses' into and out of this life. 

We knew that the summer was a time of frenzied excitement, meant to have the longest days where we could cramp as much in as possible but that come autumn the harvest would come and that in the winter it was time to stay close to a fire with our loved ones and slow down and recover.

These are all things that we know historically, things that we felt deep within ourselves.  Things that many of us are still in touch with.  

For me it is important to hold this close to my art and my ceramics.  They are one of the oldest of the arts and thus connect us to that part of ourselves that is so so deep and so so human- so magical.  So witchy.  Through it I take my time, I get in touch with the elements and with my long departed kin.  I work slowly, like so many other artists.  Because I do this, because I create from my heart with my energy, I am giving a little bit of that to every piece.  The hope is that the people that buy it or find it when I gift it to the world in my "Free art" bags around town, that that energy passes on to you too.   

Through my art I connect and connection is the purest form of magic- one that we are all part of and one that I hope to share. 

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